Never mind that she said my idea was too risque, too "David Lynch" were her exact words, which I frankly took as the nicest thing she's ever said to me. She also said she'd get back to me about it, which wasn't so nice, since she was lying. Sometimes I think she doesn't take me all that seriously, despite the fact that People Are Saying Very Good Things About Me. That and a dime won't buy you a bottle of Fiji in this town, unless you're meeting at Paramount or any of its subsidiaries, where they foist that stuff on you like some kind of consolation prize for not making any of your movies ever, no matter how much re-structuring they do.
Look, I can't be expected to sit on something this hot forever. Now, I'm aware that the last thing an Undiscovered Voice should be doing is yakking to a bunch of strangers trolling personal Internet journals to serve some sick, voyeuristic fetish. However, since my readers are fairly scant in number -- none actually, judging from the comments I'm not having to sift through every night -- I figure I'm pretty safe running the thing by you folks for feedback.
If you're feeling at all shy about offering your opinion on someone's lovingly crafted, emotionally wrought Next Big Tween Vehicle, by all means, do not ever go to film school. There's a lot of things they won't tell you there, but "This Sucks" isn't one of them.
Series Proposal

Frequently visiting the quad is CATHY CATES, a scrappy local who runs a dorm room housekeeping business. She’s also a chronic thief and shoplifter with a bad case of Winona Ryder syndrome. Her social fortunes change when Liddy discovers that Cathy may have inadvertently pinched the evidence needed to solve the mysterious dorm room murder.
Narrator of these events, suitably, is yearbook editor NATALIE EDWARDS, a criminology major. She maintains copious files, records, clippings and family trees, and gets what she wants by threatening to reveal all kinds of secrets and lies—and worse yet, to preserve them for the ages in a leather bound volume for all to see.
Who’ll be first to uncover the homicidal secret the university is so desperate to keep? It all seems to revolve around the famed, notorious Nobel-prize winning DEREK TRETHEWAY-—a cash cow on the endowment frontier.
Will the truth come out that Tretheway’s anonymous young muse and lover had been the victim of plagiarism? Could it be that an anorexic adolescent rather than a self-important blowhard was the legitimate recipient of the Nobel Prize in Poetry? With the nation’s coveted Poet Laureate honors up for grabs and the university’s reputation on the line, Tretheway might just have to kill again to keep us all from the truth.
Stay tuned...
Okay, so maybe my casting leaves something to be desired, but you get the picture. Is this not something you'd like to see on TV very soon? Please write your Congressman. Or if, like me, you have no idea who your Congressman is, contact your favorite WB executive or even the dolt who answers the phone and advise him or her to please click here: Julie Goes To Hollywood.