
Word Cloud

I'm not generally one to blog about blogging, but I came across this thing I thought was cool so I'm passing it on. It's called a Word Cloud. Click on the image if you're a blogger who wants one, then just type in your URL. You'll be summarily boiled down to your very essence in mere seconds by some word crawling program that simply knows these things. The poor guy is trying to sell t-shirts, but I just copied the artwork his program creates, since that kind of bling is just a tad rich for my blood nowadays.

I've been too sick with Sundance Fever, my fond nickname for the lingering case of bronchitis I picked up in Park City, to even look at my laptop let alone open it and type words to delight and provoke the masses. The worst part is the infection has settled in my ear and I can't seem to hear much.

In some sense, this is a good thing, since my new neighbor loves to walk around the courtyard singing in this high operatic squeal. Nothing against the opera, it's just that the love theme from Dirty Dancing really wasn't meant to be delivered with a confident libretto. I think she's trying to impress the gay guy next door who teaches real opera singers in his living room, accompanying them on a baby grand piano I'm not sure exacty where he keeps. I don't think he likes my wieners, either, since he seems surprised each time he sees any of us, as though we all three just crawled out from under the house like something out of the Children of the Corn. He and the dog-hating would be diva are extremely impressed with one another, from what I can tell. She's a very important assistant at Warner Brothers, after all, a biographical fact I only know since I signed for the crappy Burberry scarves they gave to all the underlings in lieu of Christmas bonuses. Her boyfriend is fat, drives a Harley and wears a handlebar moustache. I'm sure he's an accountant, and married, to boot. Why else would he pull up with a bottle blonde in a Curves t-shirt who won't stop crooning "I Hard The Time Of My Life" while dishing up the Hamburger Helper?

You really gotta love Hollywood. I'm not sure why any of us came, nor why we stay, but it's got to be something about being free to fill in the blanks however we damn well please. Like I say, the best thing about losing your hearing is you're truly free to just kind of make life up for awhile, floating along with a pile of used Kleenex and a Vick's inhaler on your own little Word Cloud that just kind of says it all.