Even when we do have "a project," as we who are nearly in the biz like to call jobs for which we are either being underpaid or not paid at all, we tend to work odd hours. I, for one, break the work day into several brief sittings, intermittently getting up to watch One Life To Live, grab a boloney sandwich, and run to the bank to deposit an unemployment check I've just snatched from the mailman in hopes the cable bill won't bounce. This makes a holiday where the bank and post office are closed little more than an inconvenience. Making matters worse, the neighbors and their We Ho Hipster Friends are distracting me from my writing by flitting about in the communal yard spraying each other with hoses and letting their Overbred Rescue Dogs crap on the lawn.

The ironic thing about writers is that while we are great observers of other humans, we tend not to do that well interacting with you. Sadly, it's been a very long time since I squeezed into my bikini to go have a good time with the other kids on a Slip'n'Slide. At the risk of conjuring up Montgomery Burns, I wouldn’t mind there being a little earthquake right along now, so the merrymakers would have to go home and tend to their broken pottery. That way I could claim to be unwaveringly committed to my work rather than simply sitting here all alone.

In truth, I don’t get much writing done on days like these, and all I know for sure is that I'm not supposed to wear white shoes between now and Easter—which may well be a good thing, since I don't have any. Maybe I'll take a break from my computer and clean out my shoe rack. I know this to be a highly laborious job, but hell, I'm a rebel—or I'd never have made it through film school and every lonely Monday holiday thereafter.