Or so the thinking goes. My feeling it’s a living either way—if only a meager one. I’m certain the kids were falling all over themselves to send in those resumes glowing with degrees, accolades, references and Major Awards from Maui to Nantucket. What I don’t understand, however, is the decidedly less attractive type of Big Hollywood Job Announcement, such as one I received today:
Volunteer P.A.’s needed on set of Tim Allen movie. We need unpaid interns (we will take care of parking and feeding) to help with the open casting call for extras for The Santa Clause 3 over the weekend of September 17 and 18. Tasks will include crowd management, picture-taking, and processing of information cards from candidates, most of whom will be children and young adults (accompanied by parents). B---- D---- of B---- D---- Casting will be in charge, I am just helping him out (we worked together before on A Beautiful Mind and Seabiscuit), with principal casting.

While I recognize the potential value the right internship can foster, I’m hard-pressed to see exactly how herding a throng of Jon Benet Ramseys and their Loopy Stage Mothers around Dodger Stadium translates into relationship-building. Maybe we’re all just looking for any small accomplishment to write home about. Parents want to know we're getting something out of our pricey educations, even if it’s only a chance to pretend we matter while some brat pees on our sneakers and eats the last of the Noz-Kote. Maybe it’s the association with a celebrity—even one who’s an ex-felon and second-rate eighties sitcom star—that’s meant to elicit such generosity of spirit.
Still, would the overcrowding at San Quentin justify such a lopsided invitation to criminology students? “Come on down and search some anal cavities, no pay. Hot lunch and possible Charles Manson sighting included.” I can’t picture the L.A. County Morgue trying to con recent pathology grads into giving up the free autopsies just because they’ve got a famous corpse in the house.

“Bad summer?” he asked.
“I'm just so close,” I said. “Read the blog, babe. Just read the blog.”